Listen to our new podcast, The Dancing Willow, for conversations on herbalism and healing in collaboration with the Earth!

The Willow Journal



Hello All!

I wanted to check in on you and see how you're doing. These are such strange times and to be honest, it's been a bit of a roller coaster ride for me. Some days are peaceful and easy and then, wham, life feels like someone switched on the emotional blender. How about you? 

I hear from so many of you at the shop and a common thread emerges in our chat. You are taking the time to take care of yourself in simple ways that, over the weeks, has contributed to your emotional and physical well-being. You are a healthy bunch of folks! I, of course, attribute that to the fact that you turn to herbs, healthy foods, and supportive plant healers to fortify your immune system and to give you vitality and energy to face trying times. 

Here's the other thing that I'm seeing. My local customers are getting outside. They are hiking, biking, playing in the garden, or even just walking their furry friends more often. And the healing beauty of the sunshine and fresh air is doing its work. When frustrations rise and anger and helplessness seep in, you are choosing to take it outside for a good airing out. I love this!

One dear customer came to the shop with something I think we all wrestle with from time to time...she was feeling low and sapped of energy. I recommended sunshine and our Reishi Vitality formula. I just heard back from her....

"I am so thankful for the Reishi Vitality Formula! On the third day of taking it, my energy level really increased and I felt a renewed vitality. I had been feeling flat and lacked motivation and now my energy is restored! I look forward to taking this formula everyday and the way it makes me feel.

I'm so glad to hear this. It's a personal favorite and I love taking it in the morning before heading out into the garden with a cup of tea and Zephyr (my big black dog). And speaking of my garden, next week I'll share some fun garden tips and tricks. It's one of the things that is making me happy these days!


We are open for business at our shop in downtown Durango, CO. and have posted our guidelines on the website. We are also taking phone orders for local pick up as well as web orders to mail out.

We have been busy making our foundational formulas for immune support and we are grateful for your feedback and that you have made them an integral part of your health supporting routine. Yes! These powerful herbs and plant allies are a 'first defense' against cold, flu and well, whatever virus comes our way. 

We are going with the flow and are thankful for the firm health foundation that we have been able to provide to our to our customers, friends and community. Stay strong with us and we will find ourselves on the other side of this more grounded and even healthier.

Sending Our Love,

Deb & all of the ladies at Dancing Willow Herbs