Stieve's-Thieve's Defense Essential Oil Blend 5ml
$ 16.75
Inspired by an ancient oil blend used during the middle ages to protect grave robbers from the bubonic plague, this blend is potent and powerful!
Stieve's Defense is inspired by this original recipe, but perhaps is more powerful and has a pleasing and harmonious aroma that will remind you of good health!
- Great for diffusion, especially in a sick room. Alternatively, make your own room spray by adding 10 drops to 1 oz. of distilled water in a little mister, shaking well and spraying liberally.
- Please note that this is one of our most powerful blends, so remember: A little goes a long way. In the world of Aromatherapy more is not necessarily better! While your nose will soon stop noticing the aroma in the air, the Essential Oils are still present. For this reason we do not recommend the use of a nebulizer with this blend.
- This is a great blend for enhancing hand lotion and liquid soap.