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The Willow Journal

Coffee Substitutes and Healing Stimulants!

Coffee Substitutes and Healing Stimulants!

Back to School with Brain Tonic 

It’s September and many of us are back in school. For kids, it means a little more structure, re-uniting with friends and some awesome new school supplies. If you are in high school and college, it probably means late nights spent studying and early mornings that are assisted by everyone’s favorite….coffee. Coffee is a social/cultural ritual that has  become a huge part of our culture because, let’s face it, we like to alter ourselves. With so many distractions and responsibilities we feel that we need the boost of caffeine as well as its comforting dark taste. We are not here to say boo to caffeine, but it does have its issues. After the initial surge, it is draining and depleting. We won’t go into it…we like coffee too, but we are happy to say that there are fabulous options if you are looking to wean yourself away from coffee  that offer similar benefits without the down sides!

Yerba Mate has thestrength of coffee, the health benefits of tea, and the euphoria of chocolate" all in one beverage.  Of the six commonly used stimulants in the world: yerba mate triumphs as the most balanced, delivering both energy and nutrition.

Yerba mate (yer-bah mah-tay) is made from the naturally caffeinated and nourishing leaves of the celebrated South American rainforest holly tree (Ilex paraguariensis). For centuries, it has been sipped for its rejuvenative effects. These rainforest people find tremendous invigoration, focus, and nourishment in yerba mate. Mate leaves naturally contain 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids, and abundant antioxidants. 

For your morning dose of mate we recommend our Air Tea, one our Elemental Tea Blends. The Air element represents the mind and we know you’ll love this invigorating and supporting tea!

Air - invigorate, focus, & awaken!  A mind expanding brisk and refreshing cup of tea. Air Tea is 2.5 oz organic loose leaf tea blended with organic Lemon Grass, Spearmint, Mate, Green Tea, Lemon Peel, Licorice, Gingko, & Gotu Kola.


For a quick and easy boost during the day we recommend our Brain Tonic Herbal formula!

Brain TonicThe ingredients in our Brain Tonic work in symphony to improve focus, support brain function, and enhance the quality of the systems to the brain, both vascular and circulatory. The brain is an organ that can be nourished and Brain Tonic does just that. Bacopa monnieri, a plant commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine, has an age-old reputation for being an effective and powerful herb helpful for memory and combating stress. Bacopa monnieri, known to most as Brahmi, acts as an adaptogen; which means it helps the body adapt to new or stressful situations and is often given to those suffering injury to the brain. Rosemary is a circulatory stimulate, Gota Kola taken over time, sharpens and heightens the senses and Ginkgo Biloba improves the quality of the vascular system to brain and slows down Alzheimers. This powerhouse combination of ingredients will nourish, support and enhance the one organ that is often completely overlooked and is certainly the most vital!  

is another tincture with Gingko and Gota Kola and is long-time favorite of students and athletes.


We also sell a wonderful Bio-Enzymatic black tea! It is a fermented tea that relates the digestive enzymes of black tea. It's used to improve digestion and promote weight loss.

And check out our fabulous fresh green tea sourced directly from our growers in Japan.

In September get 15% off  
Brain Tonic
Enter Code BRAINTONIC at check-out!


Our beautiful store is located at 1018 Main Avenue, Durango CO

Always feel free to give us a call with any questions....970-247-1654