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DIY Herbal Vinegars and Ginger Chews! Great Holiday Gift Ideas!

DIY Herbal Vinegars and Ginger Chews! Great Holiday Gift Ideas!

We are excited to share some fun DIY Holiday gift ideas. These Herbal Vinegars make a quick and elegant gift idea for any foodie friend or member of the family!

Herbal Vinegars

Elderberry Vinegar

16 oz unfiltered apple cider vinegar
1 cup dried or fresh elderberries
A fun jar or bottle

Fill & Pour
Allow to sit for 2-3 weeks and strain or give with the lovely berries still in the bottle! Elderberries are mildly sweet and add to the range of the vinegar.This is a great winter remedy for cold and flues and in this form is perfect for a micro dose of elderberry goodness!

Here are some of our favorite ideas for flavored vinegars, but the sky is the limit! Follow the same directions as above!
Lemon peel, Rose Hips and Hawthorn berries add a boost to the cardiovascular system.
Oat Straw, Nettle and Dandelion Root create a slightly bitter nutritive tonic that is lovely in salad dressings and marinades.

Home Made Ginger Chews

1 pound fresh ginger
2 cups honey or enough to cover the ginger & a smidgen more

Cut ginger into 1/2inch slices. Place in a double boiler and cover with honey. Bring honey to a low simmer. Turn heat down to a very low simmer and allow to cook for several hours making sure that ginger remains submerged and that it doesn’t  boil.

Ginger will be done when the slices are infused with the honey.
This process is worth your patience, as the end result of candied ginger is delicious as well as nutritious.

These delicious recipes will make the perfect gift for most anyone on your list and will add to your own holiday menu!

We wish you the warmest of holidays and hope to see you in the shop soon!